# How to start testnet

# Introduction

The testnet is the external test environment of GXChain with the same parameters as the main chain.

Testnet can provide developers:

  • Testnet Token automatically claims, 200 each time, 1000 per day, browser access https://testnet.gxchain.org/gxc/get_token?your_account_name Please replace your_account_name with your testnet wallet account name
  • Test Client
  • Experience the latest features
  • Participate in GXChain development
  • Project development, Contract debugging
Testnet Configuration
Access point (built in test network wallet) wss://testnet.gxchain.org
Seed node (specified when the node starts) testnet.gxchain.org:6789
Smart contract compilation services (configured in the IDE) https://testnet.gxx.gxchain.org
Block explorer https://testnet.explorer.gxchain.org
Online wallet https://testnet.wallet.gxchain.org


Currently, there is only one node. Community developer contribution nodes can join the testnet and apply for witnesses.

# Requirement

  • Os: macOS / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit, with 4.4.0-63-generic kernel or higher
  • Ram: 2GB+ (The more the better)
  • Disk: 40GB+
  • Net: 10MB+ bandwidth


  • install ntp
sudo apt-get install ntp
  • install libstdc++-7-dev
apt-get update
apt-get install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
apt-get update
apt-get install libstdc++-7-dev

# 1. Register an account

Visit the TestNet Online Wallet (opens new window),register wallet account

# 2. Apply Token on Testnet

Test network Token automatically claims, 200 each time, 1000 per day, browser access https://testnet.gxchain.org/gxc/get_token?your_account_name. Please replace your_account_name with your test network wallet account name

# 3. Download

The latest program (opens new window)

curl 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gxchain/gxb-core/dev_master/script/gxchain_testnet_install.sh' | bash

# 4. Download testnet-genesis.json

wget http://gxb-package.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/gxb-core/genesis/testnet-genesis.json -O genesis.json

About genisis.json

  • genisis.json is the genesis file
  • Each chain has a unique genesis.json
  • genesis.json specifies the configuration information necessary for the genesis block and initialization parameters for node startup
  • Any change in a character will result in a different chain_id
  • A different chain_id will result in an inability to communicate with seed_node
  • Therefore: do not change genisis.json, unless you want to run a Private-hain

# 5. Start node

export LC_ALL=C

nohup ./programs/witness_node/witness_node --data-dir=testnet_node --rpc-endpoint="" --p2p-endpoint="" --seed-nodes='["testnet.gxchain.org:6789"]' --genesis-json genesis.json 1>nohup.out 2>&1 &

Parameter introduction

  • --data-dir: Specified block data storage path
  • --rpc-endpoin: Open rpc service
  • --p2p-endpoint: Enable p2p listening service
  • --seed-nodes: Specifies the seed node to connect when the node starts

At present, the amount of network data tested is not large, and it can run all nodes. The background synchronization progress can be viewed through the background log file testnet_node/logs/witness.log, and the block synchronization is completed. When the block number is incremented by 10000, it indicates that the block is being synchronized. When the block number is incremented by 1, it means that the block synchronization is completed. The data of the entire test chain of GXChain is about 1.5G, and can be completed synchronously within one hour.

2018-11-11T12:58:54        th_a:?unnamed?       reset_p2p_node ] Adding seed node			application.cpp:152
2018-11-11T12:58:54        th_a:?unnamed?       reset_p2p_node ] Configured p2p node to listen on			application.cpp:194
2018-11-11T12:58:54        th_a:?unnamed? reset_websocket_serv ] Configured websocket rpc to listen on			application.cpp:269
2018-11-11T12:58:54        th_a:?unnamed?       plugin_startup ] data transaction plugin startup			data_transaction_plugin.cpp:63
2018-11-11T12:58:54        th_a:?unnamed?       plugin_startup ] witness plugin:  plugin_startup() begin			witness.cpp:121
2018-11-11T12:58:54        th_a:?unnamed?       plugin_startup ] No witnesses configured! Please add witness IDs and private keys to configuration.		witness.cpp:137
2018-11-11T12:58:54        th_a:?unnamed?       plugin_startup ] witness plugin:  plugin_startup() end			witness.cpp:138
2018-11-11T12:58:54        th_a:?unnamed?                 main ] Started witness node on a chain with 0 blocks.			main.cpp:216
2018-11-11T12:58:54        th_a:?unnamed?                 main ] Chain ID is c2af30ef9340ff81fd61654295e98a1ff04b23189748f86727d0b26b40bb0ff4			main.cpp:217


2018-11-11T13:02:14 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #960000 time: 2018-01-17T18:44:30 latency: 25726664888 ms from: init3  irreversible: 959990 (-10)			application.cpp:496
2018-11-11T13:02:16 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #970000 time: 2018-01-18T03:12:09 latency: 25696207587 ms from: init2  irreversible: 969992 (-8)			application.cpp:496
2018-11-11T13:02:18 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #980000 time: 2018-01-18T11:39:39 latency: 25665759432 ms from: init10  irreversible: 979992 (-8)			application.cpp:496


2018-11-10T05:47:51 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #8749837 time: 2018-11-10T05:47:51 latency: 33 ms from: init5  irreversible: 8749822 (-15)			application.cpp:496
2018-11-10T05:47:54 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #8749838 time: 2018-11-10T05:47:54 latency: 36 ms from: init6  irreversible: 8749823 (-15)			application.cpp:496
2018-11-10T05:47:57 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #8749839 time: 2018-11-10T05:47:57 latency: 30 ms from: miner8  irreversible: 8749824 (-15)			application.cpp:496


After the block synchronization is complete, you can run the command line wallet cli_wallet.

# 6. View test network logs online

If we don't synchronize a test network node locally, we may not be able to get a relatively detailed log during the development process. To do this, we can access our online test weblog, which is updated in real time.

Link: https://testnet.gxchain.org/witness_log/ (opens new window)

2019-04-16T08:04:33 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #13067780 time: 2019-04-16T08:04:33 transaction(s): 0 latency: 163 ms from: gxc-pacific  irreversible: 13067762 (-18)			application.cpp:508
2019-04-16T08:04:36 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #13067781 time: 2019-04-16T08:04:36 transaction(s): 0 latency: 6 ms from: zhuliting  irreversible: 13067763 (-18)			application.cpp:508
2019-04-16T08:04:39 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #13067782 time: 2019-04-16T08:04:39 transaction(s): 0 latency: 6 ms from: miner7  irreversible: 13067764 (-18)			application.cpp:508
2019-04-16T08:04:42 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #13067783 time: 2019-04-16T08:04:42 transaction(s): 0 latency: 7 ms from: miner8  irreversible: 13067764 (-19)			application.cpp:508
2019-04-16T08:04:45 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #13067784 time: 2019-04-16T08:04:45 transaction(s): 0 latency: 6 ms from: miner6  irreversible: 13067766 (-18)			application.cpp:508
2019-04-16T08:04:47                th_a:?             exec_one ] [(2668,hi)->2668] CONSOLE OUTPUT BEGIN =====================			apply_context.cpp:27
2019-04-16T08:04:47                th_a:?       console_append ] hi, hello,gxchain
2019-04-16T08:04:47                th_a:?       console_append ] hi, hello,gxchain
2019-04-16T08:04:47                th_a:?             exec_one ] [(2668,hi)->2668] CONSOLE OUTPUT END =====================			apply_context.cpp:52
2019-04-16T08:04:47                th_a:?             exec_one ] [(2668,hi)->2668] elapsed 165			apply_context.cpp:56
2019-04-16T08:04:48 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #13067785 time: 2019-04-16T08:04:48 transaction(s): 0 latency: 5 ms from: bob  irreversible: 13067768 (-17)			application.cpp:508
2019-04-16T08:04:51 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #13067786 time: 2019-04-16T08:04:51 transaction(s): 0 latency: 27 ms from: dharma-chaintest  irreversible: 13067768 (-18)			application.cpp:508
2019-04-16T08:04:54 th_a:invoke handle_block         handle_block ] Got block: #13067787 time: 2019-04-16T08:04:54 transaction(s): 0 latency: 65 ms from: biteweidu1  irreversible: 13067768 (-19)			application.cpp:508

# 7. How to become the public trust node of the test network

# (1) Upgrade to a lifetime membership

To create a public trust node, you first need to upgrade to a lifetime membership.

Download the latest version of the PC Wallet connection test network access point, or visit the test network web wallet (opens new window), upgrade to a lifetime membership as shown below.


Only a lifetime membership can create a public trust node candidate. To upgrade a lifetime membership, you need to burn 50GXC miners. Please ensure that your account balance is sufficient.

# (2) Create a public trust node

Create a public address node as shown below.

# (3) View public trust node id

Click the figure below to view the public node id.


After the public trust node is created, check its own node id. When starting the public node program, you need to bring this parameter.

# (4) Restart the public node program

To restart the public node program, you need to close the original witness_node first.

Execute the following command to close the witness_node program:

kill -s SIGTERM $(pgrep witness_node)

Restart command:

# View your own public node id via PC wallet or web wallet
# You need to replace the following 1.6.10 with your own public node id, and replace the parameter value of --private-key with the public and private key of your own public node account, which is used to sign the block.

export LC_ALL=C

./programs/witness_node/witness_node --data-dir=testnet_node \
--rpc-endpoint="" --p2p-endpoint="" \
--seed-nodes='["testnet.gxchain.org:6789"]' --genesis-json genesis.json  -w '"1.6.10"' \
--private-key '["GXC73xxxxxxv9mhMU", "5Jainouxxxxxg8yaZh9Ks"]' &
--data-dir: Specified block data storage path

-w: Specify the own public node id, note that '"1.6.x"', double quotes with single quotation marks
--private-key: Specify the public and private keys of your account, pay attention to the outermost single quotes
The above two parameters must be correct, otherwise it will affect the block production.

&Indicates that the program runs in the background


After the program startup command line is determined, it is recommended to put a shell script to facilitate starting and stopping later. Script can refer to here (opens new window)

set -x

kill -s SIGINT $(pgrep witness_node)
echo $?

while true
	pid=$(pgrep witness_node)
	if [ $pid ] ; then
		echo "stop witness_node ..."
		sleep 1
echo "start witness_node ..."

./programs/witness_node/witness_node --data-dir=testnet_node \
--rpc-endpoint="" --p2p-endpoint="" \
--seed-nodes='["testnet.gxchain.org:6789"]' --genesis-json genesis.json  -w '"1.6.10"' \
--private-key '["GXC73Zyj56MHxxxxxxxU5QEv9mhMU", "5Jainounrsxxxxxxh9Ks"]' \
--fast-replay  &