# account_history_leveldb plugin tutorial

# 1. Overview

A lightweight operations query plugin that can get all relative operations of accounts, including virtual operations .With the leveldb database, there is no need to start additional processes, and the witness_node program provides API queries.

Plugin name: account_history_leveldb

Database: leveldb


BlockChain Ram Disk
Mainnet 32G 500G
Testnet 16G 200G

# 2. Compilation and startup

The release program does not include the plugin. If you want to use the plugin, please follow the steps below to compile the program with the plugin. Also you can download the release program with plugins.

# 2.1 Compilation

# 1. Download leveldb dependencies and install

# install leveldb
wget https://github.com/google/leveldb/archive/v1.20.tar.gz
tar xvf v1.20.tar.gz
rm -f v1.20.tar.gz
cd leveldb-1.20
sudo cp -r out-static/lib* out-shared/lib* "/usr/local/lib"
cd include
sudo cp -r leveldb /usr/local/include
sudo ldconfig
# install snappy
git clone https://github.com/google/snappy.git
cd snappy
mkdir build
cd build && cmake ../
sudo make install

# 2. Open compile option, support leveldb plugin

Modify the gxb-core/CMakeLists.txt file as follows to enable compilation options


# 3. Compile the witness_node program with plugins

Compile in Ubuntu environment: Build Ubuntu (opens new window)

Compile in MacOS environment: Build OSX (opens new window)

# 2.2 Start

# 1. Start the witness_node program with plugins

When starting the witness_node program, add the plugins parameter with the following parameters,that's a example for testnet node:

nohup ./witness_node/witness_node --data-dir=testnet_node --rpc-endpoint="" --p2p-endpoint="" --seed-nodes='["testnet.gxchain.org:6789"]' --plugins "witness account_history_leveldb data_transaction " --genesis-json genesis.json --fast-replay  1>nohup.out 2>&1  &

# 2. Verify that the plugin is working properly

In the current directory, the op_entry.db file is generated.

# 3. Instructions for using the plugin

# get_account_relative_ops

Returns the specified position and number of operations related to the account according to the account ID

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_account_relative_ops
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
account_id account_id
start starting number,should be greater than or equal to 1
limit number of limit, up to 100

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "call",
        "params": [0, "get_account_relative_ops", ["1.2.4629","2","2"]],
        "id": 1
}' | json_pp


   "result" : {
      "ops" : [
            "is_virtual" : true,//whether the operation is virtual or not
            "op_index" : "1.2.4629_2",//the index of operation
            "op" : [//operation's information
                  "sender_contract" : "1.2.4629",
                  "data" : "07090000000000000568656c6c6f",
                  "fee" : {
                     "amount" : 0,
                     "asset_id" : "1.3.1"
                  "contract_id" : "1.2.4628",
                  "method_name" : "inlinecall",
                  "extensions" : []
            "op_index" : "1.2.4629_3",
            "op" : [
                  "account" : "1.2.3297",
                  "method_name" : "inlinecall",
                  "extensions" : [],
                  "data" : "14120000000000000a696e6c696e65626a6e32",
                  "fee" : {
                     "asset_id" : "1.3.1",
                     "amount" : 100
                  "contract_id" : "1.2.4629"
            "is_virtual" : false
      "total_relative_ops_number" : 4 //the number of all the relative operations the account have
   "id" : 1,
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0"