# Full-node account history plugin tutorial

# 1. Overview

If you track all accounts and record all transactions for each account on the chain, it will inevitably cause a huge memory spending because of the account_history_plugin plugin of the witness_node program will save the account transaction history to the memory object. In order to save the account transaction history of the whole node and reduce the node configuration requirements, we refer to the bitshares ES plugin and use the elastic_search database to save all transaction records.

Plugin name: elastic_search_plugin

Database: Elastic Search

Os: Ubuntu16.04/Mac


BlockChain Ram Disk
Mainnet 32G 1T
Testnet 16G 500G

# 2. Compilation and startup

# 2.1 Compilation

# 1. Install dependencies

include the plugin. To use the plugin, compile the witness_node program with the plugin as follows.

install libcurl

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libcurl3 -y

# 2. Open compile option, support leveldb plugin

Modify the gxb-core/CMakeLists.txt file as follows to enable compilation options


# 3. Compile the witness_node program with plugins

Compile in Ubuntu environment: Build Ubuntu (opens new window)

Compile in MacOS environment: Build OSX (opens new window)

# 2.2 Start

# 1. Create an non-root account (Ubuntu)

Note: The Elastic Search database only runs under a non-root account.

sudo useradd -m myaccount -d /home/myaccount -s /bin/bash
sudo passwd myaccount

# 2. Install java

# 1.update
sudo apt-get update
# 2.install jre and jdk
sudo apt-get install default-jre
sudo apt-get install default-jdk
# 1 switch account
su myaccount
# 2 download
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-6.2.0.zip
# 3 unpack
unzip elasticsearch-6.2.0.zip


If unzip is not installed, execute the following command:

sudo apt-get install unzip

# 4. Set Elastic Search Database Configuration

set total heap space

vim ./elasticsearch-6.2.0/config/jvm.options

# 5. Start Elastic Search Database

#daemon mode
cd elasticsearch-6.2.0/
./bin/elasticsearch --daemonize

# 6. View Elastic Search Database logs

tail -f ./logs/elasticsearch.log

# 7. Start fullnode plugin

elastic_search Plugin supports multiple parameter configuration

# Elastic Search database node url(http://localhost:9200/)
# elasticsearch-node-url =

# Number of bulk documents to index on replay(10000)
# elasticsearch-bulk-replay =

# Number of bulk documents to index on a syncronied chain(100)
# elasticsearch-bulk-sync =

# Pass basic auth to elasticsearch database('')
# elasticsearch-basic-auth =

# Add a prefix to the index(gxchain)
# elasticsearch-index-prefix =

# Save operation as object(true)
# elasticsearch-operation-object =

# Start doing ES job after block(0)
# elasticsearch-start-es-after-block = 

# Maximum number of operations per account will be kept in memory
elasticsearch-max-ops-per-account = 1000

When starting the witness_node program, add the plugins parameter with the following parameters:

--plugins "witness elastic_search data_transaction"

# 8. Verify that the plugin is working properly

In the default configuration, during the playing back block process, the plugin sends every 5000 records to the Elastic Search database. You can use the following query to get the number of the database.

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/gxchain*/data/_count?pretty=true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
	"query": {
		"bool": {
			"must": [{
				"match_all": {}
#Return the data, the structure is similar to the following:
  "count" : 58797397,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 5,
    "successful" : 5,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0

# 3. Instructions for using the plugin

Through the plug-in query account transaction history data, you can query the syntax reference Elastic Search database through multiple types of query methods, View Syntax (opens new window)

The following are some common query methods, examples are as follows:

# 3.1 Query transaction history via txid

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/gxchain*/data/_search?pretty=true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
    "query" : {
        "bool" : { "must" : [{"term": { "block_data.trx_id": "f050d1956e365522a194e6514ff07336f8d371d8"}}] }
  "took" : 67,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 5,
    "successful" : 5,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "max_score" : 15.578883,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "gxchain",
        "_type" : "data",
        "_id" : "2.9.224",
        "_score" : 15.578883,
        "_source" : {
          "account_history" : {
            "id" : "2.9.224",
            "account" : "1.2.6",
            "operation_id" : "1.11.157",
            "sequence" : 3,
            "next" : "2.9.211"
          "operation_history" : {
            "trx_in_block" : 0,
            "op_in_trx" : 0,
            "operation_result" : "[0,{}]",
            "virtual_op" : 202,
            "op" : "",
            "op_object" : {
              "fee" : {
                "amount" : 100000,
                "asset_id" : "1.3.0"
              "account" : "1.2.6",
              "owner" : {
                "weight_threshold" : 1,
                "account_auths_str" : "[]",
                "address_auths_str" : "[]",
                "key_auths_str" : "[[\"GXC6cdTzGgTLv7VohhT76o82WmZmTwvijrkr5hJ3k8G2dEREee6wV\",1]]"  #Note: The array types in all json structures are escaped as string types when stored, and you should be careful when recovering.
              "active" : {
                "weight_threshold" : 1,
                "account_auths_str" : "[]",
                "address_auths_str" : "[]",
                "key_auths_str" : "[[\"GXC6cdTzGgTLv7VohhT76o82WmZmTwvijrkr5hJ3k8G2dEREee6wV\",1]]"
              "extensions" : { }
          "operation_type" : 6,
          "operation_id_num" : 157,
          "block_data" : {
            "block_num" : 472,
            "block_time" : "2017-06-10T14:19:42",
            "trx_id" : "f050d1956e365522a194e6514ff07336f8d371d8"

# 3.2 Query transaction history by account id

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/gxchain*/data/_search?pretty=true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
	"query": {
		"bool": {
			"must": [{
				"term": {
					"account_history.account": "1.2.6"
  "took" : 5062,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 5,
    "successful" : 5,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 3,
    "max_score" : 14.630579,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "gxchain",
        "_type" : "data",
        "_id" : "2.9.106",
        "_score" : 14.630579,
        "_source" : {
          "account_history" : {
            "id" : "2.9.106",
            "account" : "1.2.6",
            "operation_id" : "1.11.54",
            "sequence" : 1,
            "next" : "2.9.0"
          "operation_history" : {
            "trx_in_block" : 5,
            "op_in_trx" : 0,
            "operation_result" : "[0,{}]",
            "virtual_op" : 99,
            "op" : "",
            "op_object" : {
              "fee" : {
                "amount" : 100000,
                "asset_id" : "1.3.0"
              "from" : "1.2.40",
              "to" : "1.2.6",
              "extensions_str" : "[]",
              "amount_" : {
                "amount" : 100000000,
                "asset_id" : "1.3.0"
          "operation_type" : 0,
          "operation_id_num" : 54,
          "block_data" : {
            "block_num" : 128,
            "block_time" : "2017-06-10T13:58:54",
            "trx_id" : "5847aaf70a36bd76861690680fe0af36afc2b581"
        "_index" : "gxchain",
        "_type" : "data",
        "_id" : "2.9.211",
        "_score" : 14.630579,
        "_source" : {
          "account_history" : {
            "id" : "2.9.211",
            "account" : "1.2.6",
            "operation_id" : "1.11.144",
            "sequence" : 2,
            "next" : "2.9.106"
          "operation_history" : {
            "trx_in_block" : 0,
            "op_in_trx" : 0,
            "operation_result" : "[0,{}]",
            "virtual_op" : 189,
            "op" : "",
            "op_object" : {
              "fee" : {
                "amount" : 2000000,
                "asset_id" : "1.3.0"
              "witness" : "1.6.1",
              "witness_account" : "1.2.6",
              "new_signing_key" : "GXC6t45zFYbjiYxfx5CioTg2X2eSwUrUnViNKNK6wz5eQTf1wraaB"
          "operation_type" : 21,
          "operation_id_num" : 144,
          "block_data" : {
            "block_num" : 437,
            "block_time" : "2017-06-10T14:17:51",
            "trx_id" : "4a2ae40e84733aad18a15b30a301e421cc8775df"
        "_index" : "gxchain",
        "_type" : "data",
        "_id" : "2.9.224",
        "_score" : 14.630579,
        "_source" : {
          "account_history" : {
            "id" : "2.9.224",
            "account" : "1.2.6",
            "operation_id" : "1.11.157",
            "sequence" : 3,
            "next" : "2.9.211"
          "operation_history" : {
            "trx_in_block" : 0,
            "op_in_trx" : 0,
            "operation_result" : "[0,{}]",
            "virtual_op" : 202,
            "op" : "",
            "op_object" : {
              "fee" : {
                "amount" : 100000,
                "asset_id" : "1.3.0"
              "account" : "1.2.6",
              "owner" : {
                "weight_threshold" : 1,
                "account_auths_str" : "[]",
                "address_auths_str" : "[]",
                "key_auths_str" : "[[\"GXC6cdTzGgTLv7VohhT76o82WmZmTwvijrkr5hJ3k8G2dEREee6wV\",1]]"
              "active" : {
                "weight_threshold" : 1,
                "account_auths_str" : "[]",
                "address_auths_str" : "[]",
                "key_auths_str" : "[[\"GXC6cdTzGgTLv7VohhT76o82WmZmTwvijrkr5hJ3k8G2dEREee6wV\",1]]"
              "extensions" : { }
          "operation_type" : 6,
          "operation_id_num" : 157,
          "block_data" : {
            "block_num" : 472,
            "block_time" : "2017-06-10T14:19:42",
            "trx_id" : "f050d1956e365522a194e6514ff07336f8d371d8"

# 3.3 Query transaction history by operation type

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:9200/gxchain*/data/_search?pretty=true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
	"query": {
		"bool": {
			"must": [{
				"term": {
					"operation_type": "0"
  "took" : 126,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 5,
    "successful" : 5,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 102418,
    "max_score" : 1.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "gxchain",
        "_type" : "data",
        "_id" : "2.9.17829004",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "account_history" : {
            "id" : "2.9.17829004",
            "account" : "1.2.7613",
            "operation_id" : "1.11.17788233",
            "sequence" : 4564,
            "next" : "2.9.17819488"
          "operation_history" : {
            "trx_in_block" : 5,
            "op_in_trx" : 0,
            "operation_result" : "[0,{}]",
            "virtual_op" : 24891,
            "op" : "",
            "op_object" : {
              "fee" : {
                "amount" : 5000,
                "asset_id" : "1.3.1"
              "from" : "1.2.14309",
              "to" : "1.2.7613",
              "extensions_str" : "[]",
              "amount_" : {
                "amount" : 19922140,
                "asset_id" : "1.3.1"
          "operation_type" : 0,
          "operation_id_num" : 17788233,
          "block_data" : {
            "block_num" : 3783423,
            "block_time" : "2017-10-25T16:24:03",
            "trx_id" : "239031ae0478443b4004ece1c1fc2c4b41c25ff0"
        "_index" : "gxchain",
        "_type" : "data",
        "_id" : "2.9.17341967",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "account_history" : {
            "id" : "2.9.17341967",
            "account" : "1.2.18193",
            "operation_id" : "1.11.17301275",
            "sequence" : 92,
            "next" : "2.9.17319315"
          "operation_history" : {
            "trx_in_block" : 6,
            "op_in_trx" : 0,
            "operation_result" : "[0,{}]",
            "virtual_op" : 62221,
            "op" : "",
            "op_object" : {
              "fee" : {
                "amount" : 9493,
                "asset_id" : "1.3.1"
              "from" : "1.2.7613",
              "to" : "1.2.18193",
              "memo" : {
                "from" : "GXC87jNEKkrZoCf6t4asJHnwnPNoakbaCSmp4uaxPcXZMS4f2BbNg",
                "to" : "GXC64zVLksmQTjNkDRBcqM7KKeNq6ETyZfnjcQmxeaSuV6WJoEgFu",
                "nonce" : "4757310066904077524",
                "message" : "f57507a6b0c9c3c07a6979e1ec9337ef"
              "extensions_str" : "[]",
              "amount_" : {
                "amount" : 9796950,
                "asset_id" : "1.3.1"
          "operation_type" : 0,
          "operation_id_num" : 17301275,
          "block_data" : {
            "block_num" : 3754450,
            "block_time" : "2017-10-24T15:53:21",
            "trx_id" : "1b8bf02f23dc72e99ebde50221072c5f3c3b145f"