# API Reference

GXChain nodes support WebSocket and JSONRPC

# Chain

# get_chain_id

Get chain id

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_chain_id
API Parameters null

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_chain_id", []],    
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


        "result":"4f7d07969c446f8342033acb3ab2ae5044cbe0fde93db02de75bd17fa8fd84b8" // chain id

# get_dynamic_global_properties

Get dynamic global properties

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_dynamic_global_properties
API Parameters null

# Example


curl -XPOST --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_dynamic_global_properties", []],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


        "head_block_number":16757465, // latest block num
        "head_block_id":"00ffb2d9f6e344f2190a8dfba58baaadd49e76c4", // latest block id (block hash)
        "time":"2019-01-28T06:08:00", // head block time
        "last_irreversible_block_num":16757449 // last irreversible block num

# Block

# get_block

Obtain block info via block number

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_block
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
block_num block num

# Example


curl POST --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_block", [1]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


    "id": 1,
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "result": {
            "previous": "0000270f5b219bc4c6996f2cca89b23ef653a2b0", // Block id of the previous block(block hash)
            "timestamp": "2017-06-10T22:53:45", // Timestamp of the current block
            "witness": "1.6.23", // Wrap the current block's witness id
            "transaction_merkle_root": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // Merkle root of the transaction in the current block
            "extensions": [],
            "witness_signature": "204e95ba3f871d8f670cc8088d5f563704c9c0c8acd42a80077bd7c6a47ecde095633e6a614c7f73830d972c3b617d5c01e8e0e151bfc489a327103597d3f0c244", // Witness signature
            "transactions": [], // Transaction list
            "block_id": "000027100ef5386d4ea4481dc302401de66fe358", // Block id of the current block
            "signing_key": "GXC7ouC3miJyKrLf1XyeyDv6u5W9Q8BT3WdbJbJYACiFm2Zx8vPna", // Current witness's signing key
            "transaction_ids": [] // The tx id corresponding to the transaction list

# get_block_header

Obtain block header info via block number

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_block_header
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
block_num block num

# Example


curl POST --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_block_header", [1]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


    "id": 1,
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "result": {
            "previous": "0000270f5b219bc4c6996f2cca89b23ef653a2b0", // Block id (block hash) of the previous block
            "timestamp": "2017-06-10T22:53:45", // Timestamp of the current block
            "witness": "1.6.23", // Wrap the current block's witness id
            "transaction_merkle_root": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", // Merkle root of the transaction in the current block
            "extensions": []

# transaction

# get_transaction_hex

Obtain a hexdump of the serialized binary form of a transaction

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_transaction_hex
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
transaction transaction

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "call",
        "params": [0, "get_transaction_hex", [{"ref_block_num":53237,"ref_block_prefix":892361345,"expiration":"2019-03-07T06:07:21","operations":[[0,{"fee":{"amount":50000,"asset_id":"1.3.1"},"from":"1.2.17","to":"1.2.6","amount":{"amount":100000,"asset_id":"1.3.1"},"extensions":[]}]],"extensions":[],"signatures":[]}]], "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc



# Object

GXChain stores different types of data via different objects, Click here to view object types on GXChain

# get_objects

Obtain object info via ID

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_objects
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
[object_id] Array, can pass multiple corresponding ids

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_objects", [["1.25.100","1.2.200"]]], "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


    "id": 1,
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "result": [{ // 1.3.1 object
            "id": "1.3.1",
            "symbol": "GXC",
            "precision": 5,
            "issuer": "1.2.0",
            "options": {
                "max_supply": "10000000000000",
                "market_fee_percent": 0,
                "max_market_fee": 0,
                "issuer_permissions": 69,
                "flags": 0,
                "core_exchange_rate": {
                    "base": {
                        "amount": 100000,
                        "asset_id": "1.3.1"
                    "quote": {
                        "amount": 100000,
                        "asset_id": "1.3.1"
                "whitelist_authorities": [],
                "blacklist_authorities": [],
                "whitelist_markets": [],
                "blacklist_markets": [],
                "description": "{\"main\":\"GXC是公信宝基金会在GXChain(公信链)上发行的Token,不仅具有流通价值,同时在公信链上开发、认证应⽤、使⽤链上服务(例如链上转账的矿⼯费)以及使⽤BaaS服务都需要⽀付或燃烧GXC,GXC是作为链上应⽤运⾏使⽤到的Token。 在布洛克城中也可以很方便地利用GXC进行支付结算,如居民之间互相使用GXC进行结算,使用城市公共服务需要用GXC结算,商家提供的服务也需要用GXC来购买等等\",\"short_name\":\"\",\"market\":\"\"}",
                "extensions": []
            "dynamic_asset_data_id": "2.3.1"
        }, { // 2.3.1 Object
            "id": "2.3.1",
                "current_supply": "9958303550217",
                "confidential_supply": 0,
                "accumulated_fees": 0,
                "fee_pool": 0

# Account

# get_account_count

Obtain total account count

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_account_count
API Parameters null

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_account_count", []],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


    "id": 1,
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "result": 1118627 // Total number of accounts on the chain

# get_account_by_name

Obtain account info via account_name, exclude association object

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_account_by_name
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
account_name account name


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_account_by_name", ["nathan"]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


    "id": 1,
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "result": {
            "id": "1.2.17", // account id
            "membership_expiration_date": "2106-02-07T06:28:15", // Not for 1970-01-01T00:00:00, representing a lifetime membership
            "merchant_expiration_date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00", // Not 1970-01-01T00:00:00, indicating a merchant
            "datasource_expiration_date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00", // Not 1970-01-01T00:00:00, indicating the data source
            "data_transaction_member_expiration_date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00", // Not 1970-01-01T00:00:00, with transaction confirmation permission in DES 1.0
            "registrar": "1.2.17", // Account registrant
            "referrer": "1.2.17", // Account recommender
            "lifetime_referrer": "1.2.17", // Lifetime member recommender
            "merchant_auth_referrer": "1.2.0", // Merchant recommender
            "datasource_auth_referrer": "1.2.0", // Data source recommender
            "network_fee_percentage": 2000, // Fee sharing, network fee ratio
            "lifetime_referrer_fee_percentage": 8000, // Fee sharing, lifetime member referrals
            "referrer_rewards_percentage": 0, // Fee sharing, proportion of referees
            "name": "nathan", // account name
            "vm_type": "", // vm type ,reserved text
            "vm_version": "", // vm version, reserved text
            "code": "", // Code for applicable contract accounts
            "code_version": "", // code hash
            "abi": { // Code corresponding to abi, for applicable contract accounts
                "version": "gxc::abi/1.0",
                "types": [],
                "structs": [],
                "actions": [],
                "tables": [],
                "error_messages": [],
                "abi_extensions": []
            "owner": { // Account owner permission, can be used to modify account permissions
                "weight_threshold": 1,
                "account_auths": [],
                "key_auths": [
                    ["GXC6cdTzGgTLv7VohhT76o82WmZmTwvijrkr5hJ3k8G2dEREee6wV", 1]
                "address_auths": []
            "active": { // Active permissions on the account, can be used to spend account funds
                "weight_threshold": 1,
                "account_auths": [],
                "key_auths": [
                    ["GXC6cdTzGgTLv7VohhT76o82WmZmTwvijrkr5hJ3k8G2dEREee6wV", 1]
                "address_auths": []
            "options": {
                "memo_key": "GXC6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV", // memo key
                "voting_account": "1.2.5",
                "num_witness": 0,
                "num_committee": 0,
                "votes": [],
                "extensions": []
            "statistics": "2.6.17", // Account statistics object
            "whitelisting_accounts": [],
            "blacklisting_accounts": [],
            "whitelisted_accounts": [],
            "blacklisted_accounts": [],
            "cashback_vb": "1.13.246", // Return object id
            "owner_special_authority": [0, {}],
            "active_special_authority": [0, {}],
            "top_n_control_flags": 0

# get_full_accounts

Obtain full account info via account_ids, include association object

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_full_accounts
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
[account_names or account_id] Array, you can pass in the account name or account id
bool type subscribed

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_full_accounts", [["1.2.1"],false]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


                    "name":"blockcitybp", // account name
                    "code":"",  // contract account's code is not empty



















                "cashback_balance":{ // cashback balance
                "balances":[ // account balance

                "vesting_balances":[ // vesting balance
                "pledge_balances":[ // trustnode pledge balance







# is_account_registered

Check if the account name is already registered. Returns true if registered, returns false if unregistered or the account name is invalid

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name is_account_registered
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
account_name account name

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "is_account_registered", ["nathan"]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": true // True means the account has been registered

# get_key_references

Obtain the associated accounts based on the public key , and return the associated account id

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_key_references
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
[public_key] Array, passing in a series of public keys

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_key_references", [["GXC7mmfnZWUYtz2tjNGqduZRe2w5x79GCjuoMiVkmEGRE94Vq7gAo"]]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
        ["1.2.26", "1.2.26"] // Account id associated with the public key

# Asset

# list_assets

Query asset via initials

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name list_assets
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
asset_name Asset symbol or first string, such as G
limit Number of results returned

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "list_assets", ["G", 2]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [{
        "id": "1.3.11", // Return to asset 1.3.11
        "symbol": "GBA", // Asset name GBA
        "precision": 5, // Precision
        "issuer": "1.2.1110589", // Asset issuer
        "options": {
            "max_supply": "200000000000000", // Maximum supply of assets
            "market_fee_percent": 0,
            "max_market_fee": 0,
            "issuer_permissions": 0,
            "flags": 0,
            "core_exchange_rate": { // Exchange rate with GXC
                "base": {
                    "amount": 100000,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.1"
                "quote": {
                    "amount": 1000000,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.11"
            "whitelist_authorities": [],
            "blacklist_authorities": [],
            "whitelist_markets": [],
            "blacklist_markets": [],
            "description": "{\"main\":\"Green Building Asset,简称GBA,是基于公信链的50%免费分发绿色资产。\",\"market\":\"\"}",
            "extensions": []
        "dynamic_asset_data_id": "2.3.11" // The dynamic attribute corresponding to the asset corresponds to the id
    }, {
        "id": "1.3.5", // Return to asset 1.3.5
        "symbol": "GCNY", // Asset name GCNY
        "precision": 5,
        "issuer": "1.2.785392",
        "options": {
            "max_supply": "1000000000000000",
            "market_fee_percent": 0,
            "max_market_fee": 0,
            "issuer_permissions": 79,
            "flags": 0,
            "core_exchange_rate": {
                "base": {
                    "amount": 1000000,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.1"
                "quote": {
                    "amount": 100000,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.5"
            "whitelist_authorities": [],
            "blacklist_authorities": [],
            "whitelist_markets": [],
            "blacklist_markets": [],
            "description": "",
            "extensions": []
        "dynamic_asset_data_id": "2.3.5"

# lookup_asset_symbols

Get asset details based on asset name

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name lookup_asset_symbols
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
[asset_name] Asset symbol or first string, such as 'GXC'

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "call",
        "params": [0, "lookup_asset_symbols", [["GXC"]]],
        "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc

response: The same result list_assets

# get_account_balances

Get account balances based on account id and asset id, return all asset balances if asset id is not specified

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_account_balances
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
account_id account id
[asset id] array,asset ids

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_account_balances", ["1.2.42", ["1.3.0", "1.3.1"]]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


            "asset_id":"1.3.0" //1.3.0 is a NULL asset
            "amount":"3949999988445", // GXC asset accuracy is 5, the actual number is 39499999.88445
            "asset_id":"1.3.1" // 1.3.1 is a GXC asset

# get_named_account_balances

Obtain account balances based on account name and asset id, return all asset balance if asset id is not specified

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_named_account_balances
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
account_name 账户名
[asset id] array,asset ids

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_named_account_balances", ["gxbfoundation", ["1.3.0", "1.3.1"]]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [{
        "amount": "79795227868", // 1.3.0 Asset balance
        "asset_id": "1.3.0"
    }, {
        "amount": "3949999988445", // 1.3.1 Asset balance, ie GXC assets, since the accuracy of GXC assets is 5, the actual quantity is 3949999988445 / 100000
        "asset_id": "1.3.1"

# get_vesting_balances

Get all the unspent balances of the account based on the account id

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_vesting_balances
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
account_id account id

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_vesting_balances", ["1.2.748971"]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc



# Trust_node

# get_trust_nodes

Get the account ids of all trust nodes

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_trust_nodes
API Parameters null

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_trust_nodes", []],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc



# get_witness_by_account

Obtain the information of the trust node according to account_id, including the public key, the total votes, missing blocks, etc.

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_witness_by_account
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
account_id account id

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_witness_by_account", ["1.2.748971"]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc


        "witness_account":"1.2.748971", // Account_id
        "signing_key":"GXC5YFfb3LtUDnHCu4bTfSMUxoVMz2xwnCbTT99oAdVPCcB2nMKz9", // Sign the block's public key
        "vote_id":"1:56", // Witness's vote id
        "total_votes":"82099555219", // Total votes
        "total_missed":0, // Total missing blocks
        "last_confirmed_block_num":0, // Last packaged block
        "is_valid":true // Witness state

# lookup_vote_ids

Returns the worker object based on the information of the public node returned by vote_id

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name lookup_vote_ids
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
[vote_id] Array, vote ids

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "lookup_vote_ids", [["1:22", "0:72"]]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io/rpc

# Contract

# serialize_contract_call_args

Obtain a hexdump of the serialized binary form of a contract call args

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name serialize_contract_call_args
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
contract_name contract account name
method contract action name
json_args args of contract action,key-value json string, can be ""

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "call",
        "params": [0, "serialize_contract_call_args", ["gxc-redpacket", "issue", "{\"pubkey\":\"GXC5NEGqM8BTnMm5NT7Vv2Shxh4eg4tk1kfmAUf3EGHtksig5vZdN\", \"number\":10}"]],
        "id": 1
}' https://node1.gxb.io



# get_table_rows_ex

The extension interface of get_table_rows provides richer query functions. (The default value is used when the parameter field is not passed.)

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_table_rows_ex
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
contract_name contract name
table_name table name
get_table_rows_params params struct

get_table_rows_params description:

  • lower_bound: The minimum value of the key specified during the query. The default is 0.
  • upper_bound: The maximum value of the key specified during the query. The default is -1, which is the largest unsigned integer.
  • limit: Specify the return limit bar when querying, and return 10 by default.
  • index_position: The index specified when querying, the default is 1, that is, the first index.
  • reverse: The result of the query is output in reverse order of the key. The default is 0, that is, the key is output from small to large.

All parameters of 'get_table_rows_params' have default values. If there is no need to change the default value, you can not pass in

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [0, "get_table_rows_ex", ["contract_name", "table_name", {"lower_bound":0,"upper_bound":-1,"limit":10,"index_position":1,"reverse":0}]],
    "id": 1


    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "rows": [{
            "pool": {
                "amount": "3294138495",
                "asset_id": 1
            "totalbet": "30845491144",
            "betcount": 38425,
            "wincount": 31459,
            "minbet": 50000,
            "minbank": 10000000,
            "investtotalpercent": 2643728290,
            "profit": 462683014
        }, {
            "pool": {
                "amount": 0,
                "asset_id": 2
            "totalbet": 0,
            "betcount": 0,
            "wincount": 0,
            "minbet": 1000000,
            "minbank": 100000000,
            "investtotalpercent": 0,
            "profit": 0
        }, {
            "pool": {
                "amount": "100000000000",
                "asset_id": 14
            "totalbet": 0,
            "betcount": 0,
            "wincount": 0,
            "minbet": 10000000,
            "minbank": 1000000000,
            "investtotalpercent": 100000000,
            "profit": 0
        "more": false

# broadcast

# broadcast_transaction

Broadcast a signed transaction to the network

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 2
API Name broadcast_transaction
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
signed_trx Signed transaction message body

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [2,"broadcast_transaction",[{"ref_block_num":3698,"ref_block_prefix":1780126622,"expiration":"2018-12-18T10:56:09","operations":[[0,{"fee":{"amount":1000,"asset_id":"1.3.1"},"from":"1.2.17","to":"1.2.6","amount":{"amount":1000000,"asset_id":"1.3.1"},"extensions":[]}]],"extensions":[],"signatures":["204444e23dff4e911e33d4059b36c91f7d4f85022c90ebd3e509f9b2caeb6bca273c8616ebd4f0786ac03b3ef2796a56d754de301e97aff0e43df6f3dfb12d1e62"]}]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node23.gxb.io/rpc

parameter description:

broadcast API id in params is 2 by default.

Parameter in [] is signed transaction message body.

# broadcast_transaction_synchronous

Broadcast a signed transaction to the network, and wait for the transaction result synchronously. Wait for about 2 seconds depending on factors such as network and transaction confirmation.

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 2
API Name broadcast_transaction_synchronous
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
signed_trx Signed transaction message body

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "call",
    "params": [2,"broadcast_transaction_synchronous",[{"ref_block_num":63524,"ref_block_prefix":3478923091,"expiration":"2019-01-21T07:59:24","operations":[[0,{"fee":{"amount":1000,"asset_id":"1.3.1"},"from":"1.2.22","to":"1.2.18","amount":{"amount":100000,"asset_id":"1.3.1"},"extensions":[]}]],"extensions":[],"signatures":["20165321fabdce0ca561370ba547738be12a33b929b17889845ab9b8c1a4ed2fa04bc555205bc945cf6f0129765a0f1c06265437c111957a4008167ef720c49f71"]}]],
    "id": 1
}' https://node23.gxb.io/rpc

parameter description:

broadcast API id in params is 2 by default.

Parameter in [] is signed transaction message body.


	"id": 1,
	"jsonrpc": "2.0",
	"result": {
		"id": "8e2a0d30d68a6a34f58cece5b7879d8a8ec123bd",
		"block_num": 10680361,
		"trx_num": 0,
		"trx": {
			"ref_block_num": 63524,
			"ref_block_prefix": 3478923091,
			"expiration": "2019-01-21T07:59:24",
			"operations": [
				[0, {
					"fee": {
						"amount": 1000,
						"asset_id": "1.3.1"
					"from": "1.2.22",
					"to": "1.2.18",
					"amount": {
						"amount": 100000,
						"asset_id": "1.3.1"
					"extensions": []
			"extensions": [],
			"signatures": ["20165321fabdce0ca561370ba547738be12a33b929b17889845ab9b8c1a4ed2fa04bc555205bc945cf6f0129765a0f1c06265437c111957a4008167ef720c49f71"],
			"operation_results": [
				[0, {}]

# Staking

# get_staking_objects

Get the staking objects of one account with account_id

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_staking_objects
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
account_id account_id

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "call",
        "params": [0, "get_staking_objects",["1.2.22"]],
        "id": 1
}' https://testnet.gxchain.org | json_pp


   "id" : 1,
   "result" : [
         "amount" : {
            "asset_id" : "1.3.1", //assert GXC
            "amount" : 1000000    //staking number
         "program_id" : "1",      //the first staking_object of the account
         "weight" : 1,            //staking_weight
         "id" : "1.27.0",         //staking_object
         "staking_days" : 90,     //the days of staking
         "create_date_time" :    "2020-01-16T08:40:33",   //create time
         "trust_node" : "1.6.2",  //trust node 
         "owner" : "1.2.22",      
         "is_valid" : true        
         "amount" : {
            "asset_id" : "1.3.1",
            "amount" : 1500000
         "program_id" : "2",
         "weight" : 2,
         "id" : "1.27.1",
         "staking_days" : 360,
         "create_date_time" : "2020-01-16T09:10:00",
         "trust_node" : "1.6.2",
         "is_valid" : true,
         "owner" : "1.2.22"
         "amount" : {
            "amount" : 900000000,
            "asset_id" : "1.3.1"
         "program_id" : "3",
         "weight" : 4,
         "id" : "1.27.62",
         "staking_days" : 720,
         "owner" : "1.2.22",
         "is_valid" : true,
         "trust_node" : "1.6.55",
         "create_date_time" : "2020-01-17T05:06:03"
         "id" : "1.27.63",
         "amount" : {
            "asset_id" : "1.3.1",
            "amount" : 1000000
         "weight" : 1,
         "program_id" : "4",
         "trust_node" : "1.6.1",
         "owner" : "1.2.22",
         "is_valid" : false,
         "create_date_time" : "2020-01-17T07:08:48",
         "staking_days" : 15
         "staking_days" : 15,
         "create_date_time" : "2020-02-18T11:41:54",
         "owner" : "1.2.22",
         "is_valid" : true,
         "trust_node" : "1.6.82",
         "amount" : {
            "amount" : "3640000000",
            "asset_id" : "1.3.1"
         "program_id" : "4",
         "weight" : 1,
         "id" : "1.27.10110"
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0"

# get_staking_objects_by_witness

Get staking objects with specified witness_id, position and number

# Parameter Description

Request parameter Parameter Description
API Id 0
API Name get_staking_objects_by_witness
API Parameters
API Parameters API Parameter Description
witness_id witness_id
start starting staking_object id
limit number of staking_objects, up to 100

# Example


curl --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "call",
        "params": [0, "get_staking_objects_by_witness",["1.6.1","1.27.2","3"]],
        "id": 1
}' https://testnet.gxchain.org | json_pp


   "id" : 1,
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "result" : {
      "next_id" : "1.27.65",
      "records" : [
            "create_date_time" : "2020-01-17T02:19:12",  //create time 
            "staking_days" : 360,   //staking days
            "owner" : "1.2.3946",   //the owner
            "weight" : 2,           //staking weight
            "amount" : {
               "amount" : 2400001,  //staking number 
               "asset_id" : "1.3.1"
            "id" : "1.27.2",        //staking_object 
            "is_valid" : true,      
            "trust_node" : "1.6.1", 
            "program_id" : "2" 
            "owner" : "1.2.3950",
            "staking_days" : 720,
            "create_date_time" : "2020-01-17T04:59:18",
            "weight" : 4,
            "amount" : {
               "asset_id" : "1.3.1",
               "amount" : 1000000000
            "program_id" : "3",
            "id" : "1.27.42",
            "is_valid" : true,
            "trust_node" : "1.6.1"
            "amount" : {
               "asset_id" : "1.3.1",
               "amount" : 1000000
            "is_valid" : false,
            "id" : "1.27.63",
            "trust_node" : "1.6.1",
            "program_id" : "4",
            "create_date_time" : "2020-01-17T07:08:48",
            "staking_days" : 15,
            "owner" : "1.2.22",
            "weight" : 1
      "more" : true      //are there more staking_objects